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日期:2013年04月24日 10:13 浏览量:
序号 | 姓名 | 职称 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 |
1 | 王金香 | 讲师 | 浅谈专业基础课的教学方法 | 职业技术 |
2 | 王庆平 | 讲师 | Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of fly ash/Al-25Mg Composites Processed by Powder Metallurgy Method | Advanced Materials Research |
3 | 潘育松 | 副教授 | Surface modification of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite | Micro&Nano Letters |
4 | 张东晨 | 教授 | 高瓦斯矿井选煤厂煤仓瓦斯灾害的防治 | 选煤技术 |
5 | 张东晨 | 教授 | 矿物加工工程本科专业学分制培养方案的特色探讨 | 安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版) |
6 | 薛长国 | 助教 | Applications of microcantilever sensor in environmental detection | Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health |
7 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | 微悬臂梁传感器在环境检测中的应用 | 传感器与微系统 |
8 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | 乙二醛交联壳聚糖树脂对Cu(Ⅱ)吸附研究 | 化工新型材料 |
9 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | Adsorption of copper ions onto glyoxal modified crosslinked chitosan | Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health |
10 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | 加强教师责任意识的启示 | 考试周刊 |
11 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | 创新《塑料成型模具》课程教学模式初探 | 新课程研究 |
12 | 刘银 | 副教授 | Effect of the grain size on magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 ferrite, Advanced Materials Research | Advanced Materials Research |
13 | 徐子芳 | 副教授 | Investigation for Reaction Mechanism of Nano-Silica-Modified Cement-Based Composite Materials | Integrated Ferroelectrics |
14 | 徐子芳 | 副教授 | 粉煤灰聚苯乙烯新型保温建筑材料的实验研究 | 中国矿业大学学报 |
15 | 徐子芳 | 副教授 | 高温蒸养对粉煤灰水泥基材料水化产物微观结构的影响 | 材料热处理学报 |
16 | 徐子芳 | 副教授 | 粉煤灰聚苯乙烯新型保温建筑材料的制备及其机理分析 | 环境工程学报 |
17 | 徐子芳 | 副教授 | 用污泥建筑垃圾研制免烧砖的实验研究 | 非金属矿 |
18 | 于清波 | 讲师 | The Characteristic Research of Two Kinds of Block Polymer | Advanced Materials Research |
19 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | Shape reconstruction of flaws using modified born approximation in inhomogeneous materia | Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications, SPAWDA10 |
20 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | Numerical Calculation on Flaw Response in Inhomogeneous Media | Advanced Materials Research |
21 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | Experimental study on flaw response in inhomogeneous media | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
22 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | Research on Electromagnetic Pick-up Type Grip Device | Advanced Materials Research |
23 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | 矿物加工工程专业英语课件的制作 | 教师教育研究 |
24 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | 浅谈香樟木内部结构特性对超声波传播的影响 | 林业实用技术 |
25 | 郑钢丰 | 副教授 | Shape reconstruction of flaws using modified kirchhoff approximation in inhomogeneous materia | Applied Physics |
26 | 马丙云 | 助教 | 90后大学生应对危险事件的抗逆力途径探究 | 新校园中旬刊 |
27 | 范洪喜 | 副处 | 新型单摆周期检测系统的搭建 | 考试周刊 |
28 | 刘振英 | 讲师 | Bi2O3 对合成堇青石性能的影响 | 非金属矿 |
29 | 刘振英 | 讲师 | 溶胶-凝胶法制备堇青石陶瓷粉体的研究 | 非金属矿 |
30 | 刘振英 | 讲师 | 钼矿尾矿生产烧结砖的试验研究 | 中国非金属矿工业导刊, |
31 | 刘振英 | 讲师 | 以就业为导向的本科人才培养模式研究 | 教书育人(高教论坛) |
32 | 丁国新 | 讲师 | 废胶粉紫外光接枝马来酸酐的工艺研究 | 化工新型材料 |
33 | 丁国新 | 讲师 | 天然橡胶/废胶粉共混胶料的制备 | 化工新型材料 |
34 | 张宏艳 | 实验师 | 大分子引发剂的合成与表征 | 化工时刊 |
35 | 王静 | 副教授 | Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Single Sheets | Asian Journal of Chemistry |
36 | 王静 | 副教授 | Preparation and Electrical Properties of MWNTs / Al2O3 Ceramics Composites. | Asian Journal of Chemistry |
37 | 王静 | 副教授 | 不同沉淀剂制备纳米氧化铝粉的研究 | 无机盐工业 |
38 | 孙健卫 | 研究生 | 煤粉灰综合利用现状 | 洁净煤技术 |
39 | 潘成岭 | Cleavage and capture of tetrahydrofuran by dysprosium(ii) species: a novel tetranuclear Dy2Li2O unit | Mendeleev Communications | |
40 | 潘成岭 | Cubic and doubly-fused cubic samarium clusters from Sm(II)-mediated reduction of organic azides and azobenzenes | Dalton Transactions | |
41 | 潘成岭 | A heterometallic sandwich complex of europium(II) for luminescent studies | Dalton Transactions | |
42 | 王媛媛 | 讲师 | Polymerization of Styrene Using Novel Bispyrazolylimine Dinickel (II)/Methylaluminoxane Catalytic Systems | Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
43 | 王媛媛 | 讲师 | 高分子专业英语课程教学的实践初探 | 广州化工 |
44 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | Surfactant-free synthesis and electrochemical properties of chrysanthemum-like InVO4 hierarchical microstructures | Materials Research Bulletin |
45 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | Hierarchically assembled porous ZnO microstructures and applications in a gas sensor | Superlattices and Microstructures |
46 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | Synthesis, microstructure, and photocatalysis of ZnO/CdS nano-heterostructure | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids |
47 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | Fabrication and Characterization of Nanoencapsulated Stearic-acid/SiO2 Phase Change Material | Materials Science Forum |
48 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | Adjustable Synthesis and Visible-Light Responsive Photocatalytic Performance of V2O5·xH2O-BiVO4 Nanocomposites | Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. (物理化学学报) |
49 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | 理工科本科毕业论文中存在的问题及对策 | 广州化工 |
50 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | MoS2空心微球的合成、表征及形成机理 | 第七届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议论文集(第2分册) |
51 | 王艳芬 | 研究生 | 硬脂酸/SiO2纳米微胶囊复合相变材料的制备及储热性能的研究 | 化工新型材料 |
52 | 黄孟 | 研究生 | 童亭原煤的泥化试验研究 | 煤炭技术 |
53 | 邱轶兵 | 讲师 | 临涣选煤厂原煤仓清堵措施改进 | 科技信息 |
54 | 吴文华 | 研究生 | 原煤平均密度的Matlab编程算法 | 煤炭加工与综合利用 |
55 | 程国君 | 讲师 | 超细CaCO3/SBS复合材料的制备及性能研究 | 材料导报 |
56 | 程国君 | 讲师 | 超细CaCO3 填充SBS 的性能研究 | 化工新型材料 |
57 | 王艳丽 | 副教授 | 软模板法六边形纳米Pd粒子的超声制备与表征 | 无机化学学报 |
58 | 赵志国 | 研究生 | 我国选煤技术发展现状及对煤炭清洁利用的影响 | 中国科技论文在线 |
59 | 赵晴 | 研究生 | 原煤密度对泥化及煤泥颗粒表面x点位的影响 | 煤炭科学技术 |
60 | 于秀华 | 科长 | 改性煤矸石粉填充SBS的动态力学性能分析 | 安徽理工大学学报自科版 |
61 | 林秀玲 | 讲师 | 淡水养殖的珍珠贝壳热分解行为的研究 | 黑龙江大学自然科学学报 |
62 | 林秀玲 | 讲师 | 计算机在高分子中的应用课程实施与教材建设 | 广州化工 |
63 | 林秀玲 | 讲师 | 试验设计和数据处理课程的教学探索 | 考试周刊 |
64 | 杨继年 | 讲师 | 《高分子流变学》课程教学的实践探讨 | 广州化工 |
65 | 朱金波 | 教授 | 喷射式浮选机充气搅拌装置内流体阻力分析 | 安徽理工大学学报 |
66 | 薛长国 | 助教 | Detection of Ethyl Parathion Using Microcantilever biosensor | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Application |
67 | 薛长国 | 助教 | Denaturation of Protein Using Microcantilever Sensor | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Application |
68 | 滕艳华 | 讲师 | Adsorption of copper ions on the crosslinked chitosan resin | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Application |
69 | 刘银 | 副教授 | Preparation and magnetic properties of ultra-fine grained γ-Ni-22Fe/Al2O3 composite | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Application |
70 | 李建军 | 讲师 | Synthesis of TiO2/SnO2 composite nanowire arrays via electrophoretic deposition method. | The 5Th China-Korea International conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Applications |
71 | 徐初阳 | 教授 | Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces of TiO2 coatings modified with 1-octadecanethiol | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Applications |
72 | 王艳芬 | 研究生 | A facile fabrication of ZnO-nanorods-array superhydrophobic film modified with stearic acid | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Applications |
73 | 程国君 | 讲师 | Preparation and Dynamic Mechanic Properties of Surface Modified | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Applications (ICMMA 2011) |
74 | 李本侠 | 副教授 | ZnO-BiOCl Nanocomposite for Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dye | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Applications |
75 | 李本侠 | 教授 | Preparation and property of paraffin/CaCO3 composite as form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Applications (ICMMA 2011) |
76 | 王静 | f副教授 | Preparation of Graphene Nanosheet /Alumina Composites. | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Applications (ICMMA 2011) |
77 | 王静 | f副教授 | Effects of High Temperature Oxidation on the Structure and Properties of NiTi Alloy. | The 6th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Applications |
78 | 王静 | f副教授 | Preparation of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes/ Alumina Precursor Composites | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Applications (ICMMA 2011) |
79 | 潘育松 | 副教授 | Stress relaxation behavior and model of multi-layered nano-hydroxyapatite reinforced PVA gel biocomposites | The 5th China-Korea International Conference on Multi-functional Materials and Applications (ICMMA 2012) |